Reaching Struggling Learners
Reaching Struggling Learners
#71 Have We Gone Too Far With Reading Interventions?
Do you remember how much fun it was to learn about the solar system, plants or the states of matter? I can still remember doing experiments in my elementary classrooms, as well as learning about all these really cool, smart, brave people from history. Going home and telling my family about all of the interesting facts that I learned that day was actually pretty cool, and man did my friends and I love to one-up each other on our knowledge about facts we learned in school.
But, that isn’t the reality in classrooms anymore. The fact is that we spend almost all of our time focused on reading and math, and almost no time teaching about science or history/social studies. The fact is, it’s boring! Practicing a skill over and over again, but never having anything to show for it is incredibly frustrating, and I can only imagine how boring it is for kids to sit through day after day of skill practice when they never get to actually go home and say “Today, I learned something about____”
Today, we are going to talk about what we have been doing in schools in regards to reading and math skill focus, and what we COULD do to make school motivating again!
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Links Mentioned in the Show:
5 Steps to Getting Started with Progress Monitoring